Charles H. Spurgeon · Matthew Robb · Writings

The Precious Blood of Christ

“The precious blood of Christ.” – 1 Peter 1:19

Just as it was the duty of the Israelites to mark the door posts of their house with the blood of the Lamb in order to be spared, so it is with the Christian; it is the one who is marked by the precious blood of the Lamb of God that will be spared. 

Christ’s blood is precious in its cleansing power!

“Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.” 

Through the blood of Jesus there is not one spot or stain, wrinkle or blemish left on the believer – all is made clean and the Christian stands accepted in the beloved.

Christ’s blood is precious in its protecting power! 

We are safe from the devil and his demons under the sprinkled blood of the Lamb of God. 

Christ’s blood is precious in its renewing and transforming power!

“If any man be in Christ, He is a new creature.”

So not only is it the duty of the Christian to put on the blood of Christ for the justification of sins but for the sanctification; the renewing of the mind and quickening of a new nature that leads to a life of subduing sin and following out the commands of God. 

Christ’s blood is precious in its overcoming power!

For it says, “They overcome through the blood of the lamb.” 

Let us march on, conquering and to conquer, so long as we trust in the power of the blood!

 – Matthew Robb

Inspired by Charles Spurgeon


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