Matthew Robb · Writings

… Those Times …

Have you ever experienced waiting for a flight alone? And then furthermore, how about being in another country with a different language and culture?
Do you find it tough? I usually use it as a time to get tore into a good book I’ve been really wanting to read – which I have been able to do this time – BUT all the while this tightening around my throat seems to grow, my appetite is far gone and I feel the sadness well up behind my eyes – sometimes breaking forth into puddles at the corner of my eyelids. A gut-wrenching sensation permeates from deep within my stomach… All this time quietly praying that God would continue to help and comfort me!

Trusting that He will never leave me nor forsake me.

From what do I need help or to be comforted, you may ask. And for the answer to this you may need some context.

I’ve just spent the BEST summer working at home in Ireland with my family and friends.

Oh how I cherish those times!

Those times spending time with my grandparents, Norman and Ella.

Those times with my Dad and those 3 beautiful little sisters of mine; Jessica, Jasmine and Nina.

Those precious times with my brother John and his wife Emma – living in China but always close to the heart.

Those fun times at home with my mother dear, sister Rachel and eldest brother Luke.

And more recently, the fantastic times that we share together with my family and friends: Not just the amazing hospitality they bless me with but more precious are the relationships that weave together and strengthen, the love that is shared in opening our lives to one another and the memories forged during those times.

And while I sit in the airport my mind wades over the memories of those times shared together as the waves gently wade over the seashore. So I can’t help but feel sadness as I will miss them oh so very much these next two and a half weeks but by the grace of God may He turn my heart to gladness for being so richly blessed with such precious memories.

Far greater than riches and gold, are the people we love and the memories we hold.

So there is purpose in the pain! It opens my eyes to how blessed I am, the precious memories my mind is able to remember and most importantly Gods love and goodness through it all!

That’s the beauty of waiting! I guess that’s why Father God calls us to “Be still and wait upon the Lord.” Maybe if we could all be still a little more and wait a little more we would be a little more thankful each day. A little more loving to our parents, our siblings and friends. To accept, appreciate and love those precious people that God has placed and presented with us.

Be encouraged.

With love,


Far greater than riches and gold, are the people we love and the memories we hold. 

Matthew Robb

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